Surviving Winter Appeal Logo 1 980x286 1

Surviving Winter 2024/25 is now open to applicants who are struggling to afford to heat their homes and you can apply through Citizens Advice East Suffolk

The following criteria apply in order to get this support, so you must:

  • Be aged 66 and above
  • Not be getting pension credit
  • Have a maximum income of £20k for individuals, or £24k per couple
  • Not exceed savings of £5,000
  • Live in Suffolk

Anyone living in East Suffolk or Ipswich should contact us by phone at 0808 278 7866 or by email here and we will be more than happy to check if you qualify for a grant. Please add “Surviving Winter” in the subject line.

Donations to the appeal are always welcome, find details of how to do this at

If you live in Babergh and Mid Suffolk contact Sudbury and South Suffolk Citizens Advice.
If you live in West Suffolk contact Gatehouse Caring.